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Logline Examples - 2024

Logline Examples by Genre

Explore our comprehensive list of loglines by genre, tailored to help you write impactful loglines, from drama to sci-fi, ensuring your story's core idea shines through in a pitch.

20 Top TV Show Logline Examples

Browse the list of the best TV Show logline examples to write your pitch to television executives to be optioned (or developed) into a TV series.

50 Documentary Logline Examples

Browse the list of documentary logline examples, ideal for documentarians and screenwriters looking to write compelling, real-life narratives in a concise and engaging format.

20 Famous Short Film Logline Examples

Use the short film logline examples which are 1 or 2 sentences long to pitch the short film to investors and the audience, making them want to watch your movie.

Witty Comedy Logline Examples

Browse our list of witty comedy logline examples, perfect for writers and filmmakers aiming to create memorable, funny loglines for your comedy projects.