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BBC Open Call

You could be new to writing or new to the BBC but equally, you may be a playwright looking to write for TV, or you’ve written for radio drama and would like to try your hand at writing for BBC.

In our Open Call we are not looking for projects to commission or produce. We are looking for writers to develop rather than specific projects. We look for what the script tells us about the writer. We see all scripts as a calling card to showcase a writer’s talent, ability, and voice.

We are especially looking for distinctive voices - and scripts that express those voices. We do not look for more of the same – we look for the writer’s ability to pull an audience into a world and hold them in it. It’s not necessarily about finding precincts or situations that have ‘never been done before’ but having an original take on stories that have the potential to have wide breadth of appeal.

We are looking for characters who are well rounded and consistent and who drive the narrative rather than serve it. We are looking for a sense of storytelling ability - handling of pace, climax, mood. We are looking to unearth the treasures, the page-turners, the new perspectives, the engaging dialogue and the surprising character creations.

We want to find that special something that makes us want to read more.

What should you submit?

In our Open Call we accept Drama or Comedy/Drama scripts written for Film, TV, Radio, Stage or Online including for Children.

Your script should be a minimum of 30 pages long (excluding title/character pages), which is a fair length of time to assess a writer's work (it's extremely hard to judge a writer's abilities with a view to BBC broadcast slots if their work is shorter than this). As long as your script is equivalent to at least 30 minutes in length, we will consider it.

Who can submit

a) You must be at least 18 years of age at the date of your submission.

b) You must be resident in, but do not need to have been born in, the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Republic of Ireland. If selected you must remain resident for the full duration of the programme, which is approximately 18 months from the closing date for applications. If you are currently living overseas, only consider submitting your script when you have returned.

Script Development for UK Filmmakers

How to Apply

See Opening Dates and Deadlines, Detailed Project Requirements, Submission Process and Selection Criteria. Click to Apply.

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