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Grow your Film Audience with Email Marketing

With a growing email marketing list distributors will jump at your film if you can show that you already have an inbuilt audience, so email marketing is your priority as an independent filmmaker.

Email Marketing for Filmmakers

Once you build up your network of industry contacts you can give them exclusive access to your news, upcoming events and behind-the-scenes footage. Grow your email list.

Benefits of having your own email database

  1. Negotiation power with distributors and financiers
  2. You have the power to sell, market and distribute your film without depending on intermediary players
  3. A whole audience to sell your film when it's ready for release
  4. Escape social networks algorithm to get your message to the right market
  5. No huge advertising expenses for marketing
  6. Test your audience persona through mailing list segmentation
  7. Direct communication with your community
  8. Have an audience ready for your next film

How to engage with your film audience

  1. Build a Website for Your Film with Wordpress
  2. Set up your film fan email list with Constant Contact Automated Email Marketing
  3. Write articles that your audience will be interested in
  4. Build an automated sequence of emails that you send to subscribers
Engage your Film Audience