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How to Build Your Film Audience Mailing List

Film distributors and investors will jump at your film if you can show that you have an in-built audience, so email marketing is your priority as an independent filmmaker.

Email Marketing for Filmmakers

Once you build up a database of fans for your film, you can give them exclusive access to your news, upcoming events and behind-the-scenes footage.

Then monetize your film by driving the audience to watch your film.

Benefits of Having Your Own Email Database

  1. Negotiation power with distributors and financiers
  2. You have the power to sell, market and distribute your film without depending on intermediary players
  3. A whole audience to sell your film when it's ready for release
  4. Escape social networks algorithm to get your message to the right market
  5. No huge advertising expenses for marketing
  6. Test your audience persona through mailing list segmentation
  7. Direct communication with your community
  8. Have an audience ready for your next film

Build your Audience - Special Offer

Are you currently focused on building an audience for your film? I’d like to offer a service that can help you grow your audience for your film, exceptionally important for distribution.

We now know that social media does not drive viewers to watch films anymore, you need to collect email addresses to send updates and engage your true fans.

My name is Lilian and you receive film funding and film grants newsletters regularly.'s mailing list is powered by PHPList, amazing open-source bulk email software that I have been using for over 20 years.

Would you perhaps be interested that I install the mailing list software on your server for your film or company?

PHPList Benefits

  • Once installed, it’s free (open source) to send mail, never pay for online mailing lists like Constant Contact again.
    Safe: It does not land in junk at example gmail.
  • Personalized: You can use 'tokens' like First Name, Dates, etc.
  • Auto Responders: When your client signs up, they can receive sequenced mails, example after 1 day, 3 days, monthly, etc.
  • Easily import your current email database with a csv file.
  • It’s solid and strong, can send 60,000 mails per hour.
  • Secure: The data belongs to you, only you have access to your audience email adresses.


It is basically your own mailing server, so needs to be installed on a sub-domain of your website.

It’s easy, I know how to do all that. I just need the following information:

  1. The login to your server where I can set up the sub-domain and install the software.
  2. An email address that will be the sending address.

Would this be of interest to you? Once I got login, it will take about 6 hours to set it up. You will then have a beautiful machine to capture new fans and engage your audience on a regular basis.

My fee for the installation is $2000 which can be paid via Stripe or Paypal. Included is 2-hour training on how to send your first campaign.

Would you like to chat? Any questions?

Let's Set Up a Call

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincere regards,

Lilian Baksalevowicz

Founder and Developer:

Engage your Film Audience